Central Region of the East Kingdom
To our North lays the Shire of Nordenhal.
To our South you will find the Shire of Midland Vale (Formerly the Sullivan and Orange Crown Lands).
This is a group of people interested in the Society for Creative Anachronism, in medieval history, arts and sciences, combat, and such, who are residents of Orange and Sullivan Counties in the State of New York, or are other interested parties who reside nearby and may participate in events and activities associated with this group.
They are now the Shire of Midland Vale.
To our East rests the Shire of Frosted Hills and the Kingdom Bee Reserve.
Website: http://frostedhills.eastkingdom.org/
Wiki: http://wiki.frostedhills.org/
To our West is the vast expanse of the Royal Forests. Beyond the borders of the East Kingdom are two groups in the Sylvan Kingdom of Aethelmearc.
The Barony of Endless Hills (Northeastern, PA)
Barony of Endless Hills
Kingdom of Aethelmearc
Society for Creative Anachronism
Yahoo Group
The Shire of Sterlynge Vayle (Binghamton, NY)
Shire of Sterlynge Vayle is a group residing within AEthelmearc, of the SCA
East Kingdom Map
The official map can be found on the eastkingdom.org website here .
Yahoo! Groups to join for Regional Updates
Southern Region
East Kingdom Southern Region: A mailing list for the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.) for discussion of issues related to the Southern Region in the East Kingdom, encompassing Delaware, New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania and Southern New York.
Northern Region
This is an email forum for discussions of issues pertaining to the
Northern Region of the East Kingdom. Such as principality issues,
regional fight practices, regional events, event coordination,
chit-chat, etc…
East Kingdom List
East Kingdom List – general discussions and commentary from the populace of the East Kingdom, SCA
Shire of Rusted Woodlands
Shire of Rusted Woodlands: The Royal Forest of Rusted Woodlands is a Shire of the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). Rusted Woodlands is located in Bergen, Pasaic, and Sussex Counties in New Jersey, and Rockland, Orange and Sullivan Counties in New York.
Shire of Anglespur
Shire of Anglespur, located in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism
Canton of Aschehyrst
Canton of Aschehyrst is a Massachusetts local branch of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism).
Barony of Bergental
Barony of Bergental, East Kingdom a part of the Society for Creative Anacronism (SCA). The Barony is (mundanely) located in Western Massachusetts.
Canton of Lions End
This is an Unofficial Forum for the Members and Friends of the Canton of Lions End in the Crown Province of Ostgardr, Kingdom of the East, Society for Creative Anachronism.
This is an Unofficial Forum for the Members and Friends of the Canton of Lions End in the Crown Province of Ostgardr, Kingdom of the East, Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
* Geographically, we encompass Nassau County, Long Island, New York.
This forum is for communication for the benefit of our Friends, Family, & Guests, within the SCA and its environs. It is an open list for discussion of all topics hereby related.
We welcome and encourage all who wish to be a part of our group to join us for this most positive venture. If you wish to join, our moderator will contact you and ask you to provide a little information about yourself and your interests in the current Middle Ages. This is to ensure you are directed quickly to the many aspects of our Society that you will enjoy. It is also to block spammers and/or people who might be looking for that which we are not.
***This is the 2nd Yahoo!Group for LIONS END.***
**The FIRST group, which will be used as an Archive, can be found at: [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lionsend/]**
Shire of Buckland Cross
Shire of Buckland Cross, East Kingdom.
Canton of Whyt Whey
Canton of Whyt Whey within the Crown Province of Ostgardr
Barony of Carillion
The Barony of Carillion is a barony in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA).
Canton of the Towers
Towers is a canton or sub-group of the Barony of Carolingia in the East Kingdom and is the oldest Canton in the SCA.
Shire of Coldwood
Shire Of Coldwood, East Kingdom, SCA INC
Canton of Dragon’s Aerie
Dragon’s Aerie, is a Canton of the Barony Beyond the Mountain, in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anacronism.
Shire of Glenn Linn
This is the discussion board for the Shire of Glenn Linn, Northern Region, East Kingdom.
Barony of Iron Bog
Welcome to the gathering place for the folk and friends of the Barony of Iron Bog (Gloucester, Camden, and So. Burlington Counties, NJ), a quiet corner of the Kingdom of the East.
Baronial Southern Alliance
Baronial Southern Alliance: This group is for the people within the borders of Luzerne county, and their households, who are involved in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Barony of An Dubhaigeainn
SCA Ducks – Barony of An Dubhaigeainn
Barony of Settmour Swamp
The Barony of Settmour Swamp is a barony in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA).
Canton of Gryphonwald
Shire of Smithwick
SCA Shire of Smithwick: The forum for dissemination and discussion of information pertaining to the Shire of Smithwick, in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Shire of Barren Sands
Where the members and friends of the Shire of Barren Sands can discuss topics and provide information in the Southern Region of the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Barony of Stonemarche
East Kingdom – Barony of Stonemarche
Five Shires
The Five Shires, comprised of Coldwood, Glenn Linn, Mountain Freehold, Northern Outpost, and Panther Vale:
Province of Malagentia
This is a place for residents and former residents of the SCA Province of Malagentia, East Kingdom, to make announcements, ask questions and share information.
Canton of Gryphonwald: The Canton of Gryphonwald is a regional Canton which belongs to the Barony of Settmour Swamp which is a barony in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CantonOfGryphonwald
The Barony of Dragonship Haven: The Barony of Dragonship Haven is located in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DragonshipHaven
Shire of Endewearde in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism. This Yahoo!Group is for shire business, notices about practices and meetings, discussions on aspects of our SCA lives as well as historic medieval/renaissance life, etc. This Yahoo!Group and the messages and files herein are not affiliated with or endorsed by SCA, Inc.
Kingdom of Ealdormere list
The Ealdormere e-mail list is a Yahoo Groups mailing list, dedicated to the discussion of topics of interest to members of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., in the province of Ontario, Canada, known in the Society as the Kingdom of Ealdormere.
This list is NOT an official forum and is NOT run by the SCA and does NOT define SCA policy. If officers of the SCA or any local branch post things here it is in their personal and private capacity unless they explicitly say otherwise. Even then, it only has the force that it would have if they were saying the same thing around a campfire. The moderator is not at all responsible for individuals comments , etc.