
Roles of the Shire

The following Offices are recognized by the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., the East Kingdom, and/or the Shire of Coill Tuar.

Required Offices:
Offices required to be a Shire in the East Kingdom.

  • Seneschal (Local branch President)
  • Chancellor of the Exchequer (Local branch Treasurer)
  • Herald/Pursuivant (Local branch Communication Officer) or Minister of Arts and Sciences (Local branch Crafts Officer) or Knight Marshal (Local branch Safety Officer)

Optional Offices:
Offices not required to be a Shire in the East Kingdom, however they help expand the functionality and activity levels within the Shire.

  • Deputy Seneschal
  • Chatelaine/Gold Key (Local branch Newcomer’s Officer)
  • Chronicler/Scribe (Local branch Secretary)
  • Historian
  • Minister of the Lists (Local branch Records Keeper)
  • Captain of Archers
  • Marshal of Fence (Local branch Safety Officer for Rapier/Fencing)
  • Chancellor Minor/Minister of Youth (Local branch Youth Officer)
  • Webminister (Local branch Website Officer)

Seneschal Badge

Seneschal: Lady Sorcha de Barry (Susan Ganzer) 2nd Term 2018-2020

Deputy Seneschal: m’lady Amelia Faa (Amy Barresi)

Exchequer Badge

Exchequer: m’lady Amelia Faa (Amy Barresi)

Deputy Exchequer: Position Vacant

Herald Badge

Herald/Pursuivant: m’lord Fróði Oddsson (Scott Shortle)

Deputy Herald/Pursuivant: Position Vacant

Minister of Arts & Sciences Badge

Minister of Arts and Sciences: Mistress Briony of Chatham (Susan o’Dee)

Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences: Position Vacant

Chronicler Badge

Chronicler: Position Vacant

Webminister Badge

Webminister (At Large): Signore Lorenz Greylever (Matthew A. Stopard)

Pronouns: He/Him

Chatelaine Badge

Chatelaine: m’lady Willow First Term 2018 – 2020

Chancellor Minor

Chancellor Minor (Youth Minister): Lady Sorcha de Barry (Susan Ganzer)

Youth Officer (At Large): Signore Lorenz Greylever (Matthew A. Stopard)

Minister of the Lists

Minister of the Lists: Position Vacant

Knight Marshal Badge

Knight Marshal: Position Vacant

Archery Marshal Badge 

Archery Marshal: Position Vacant

Rapier Marshal Badge

Fencing Marshal: Position Vacant

Youth Marshal Badge

Youth Marshal At Large: Signore Lorenz Greylever (Matthew A. Stopard)

Thrown Weapon Marshal

Thrown Weapons Marshal: Position Vacant

Equestrian Marshal

Equestrian Marshal: Position Vacant

Unofficial Positions

Constable Badge

Constable: Position Vacant

One of the primary responsibilities of the Constable is to ensure that the gate is manned (someone is taking care of business at the front-door for an event, taking money, getting people to sign waivers, etc.). The Constables task can include maintaining order at events. (This position is Official in other Kingdoms, and used in the East under individual group’s needs.)

Emissary to the Modern World: Position Vacant

The Emissary to the Modern World works with local government, businesses and schools for demonstrations and other local events.