Chatelaine’s Page 
The officer in charge of greeting and helping newcomers. Coordinates demonstrations and educational activities requested by the public. Also loans costumes and gear as needed (See Gold Key).
Gold Key:
A collection of loaner garb and gear for the use of newcomers, generally maintained by the Chatelaine (See Chatelaine).
Please join me in a time when knights fought chivalrously, fencers foiled their opponents with grace, archers hit the mark and the arts and service of the populace prevailed.
The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc (SCA) represents people from all walks of life; we share a common thread of the Middle Ages. The SCA is a place for festivals, tournaments, feast, games, research, creativity and most of all fun. There are activities for all ages and skills, but to get started the essentials are necessary your local Chatelaine can assist in providing loaner garb or something to wear at events.
Please feel free to contact me regarding any question you may have regarding the SCA, events, and society life.
I would also like to invite you to join our Meetup group. This will allow you to interact with members of the Shire and keep in touch with upcoming events.
Go to Join.
If you are interested in “What is the SCA”, then please read the following page that was written several years ago yet, still holds true today! What is the SCA?
Having a problem with what a Persona in the SCA fully is? Take a look at this work sheet and see if that helps you. Persona Worksheet
Newcomer’s Page
This group is for East Kingdom Chatelaines (and Seneschals who are handling Chatelaine duties).
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