Welcome Newcomer!
We welcome you to the Current Middle Ages and the best way to recreate the better aspects of the Medieval time period, known as the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
We are so glad you have come, hope you will stay and join us in keeping the Dream alive.
Please contact us through the form below, visit us at our monthly gatherings and join us at our local events!
Introduction – There is a lot of information available to the newcomer on-line already that we will not be reproducing here.
Try http://www.sca.org/and click on the ‘New To The SCA’ link for all the details. But! Since you are already here, please read the following!
We have information below that is specific to this group to help you join right in and start having FUN!
Questions You may Have
Q. What is Anachronism?
A. a·nach·ro·nism
Noun: 1. A thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, esp. a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.
2. An act of attributing a custom, event, or object to a period to which it does not belong.
In order to understand how the SCA approaches anachronism, you must first understand the “creative” part of our society. As an international living history group, we aim to study and recreate pre-17th century culture. This means we enjoy various elements of historical study, but not necessarily the lack of running water, modern medicine, or gel shoe liners.
Q. Where do I get started?
A. If you want to speak with us ASAP, then contact the Chatlelaine’s Office directly by filling out the form below. It’s the Chatelaine’s job to help you find all the information you need to get started, and assist you with practical things like getting some garb (clothing) and inviting you to all of our local events.
If you want to meet our members, visit our Meetup Group or our Facebook Group
and check this website for contact information. After that, it’s simple; just attend a Coill Tuar event. We have at least one social gathering per month, and fighter practices every Wednesday to the North of us in our neighboring Shire of Nordenhalle. They are both free and open to the public; we’d be thrilled to meet you.
Q. What is a persona?
A. One aspect of the SCA that distinguishes it from any other form of historical research, is the notion of the persona. Simply put, it’s just a fictional character you develop as someone who lived prior to 1600 A.D. For many however, the persona is one of the most enjoyable parts of historical recreation.
Q. Is armored combat dangerous?
A. Yes, but it’s lots of fun.
Keep in mind however, that all sports have a degree of risk involved. SCA heavy fighters are literally “weekend warriors” and some melee battles can get quite intense. Of course, since we’d like to go to work on Monday without concussions and broken bones, we’ve developed a set of rigorous safety standards. All official combat takes place under the watch of well-trained and experienced officials known as “Marshalls”. Equipment standards are strictly adhered to, and chivalry reigns supreme. Combatants engage in battle, on their honor, calling blows and graciously thanking their opponents for the opportunity.
Full Answers can be found HERE !
Definitions – You are looking at the Newcomer’s Webpage for the Shire of Coill Tuar (Pronounced: Shy-er of Kwill TOO-ur) Meaning: Stone Tower, as translated from the Gaelic, to refer to the Mohonk Sky Top Observation Tower, our visible landmark near the mundane town of New Paltz, New York, and seen on both sides of the Shawangunk (Pronounced: Shon-gum) ridge.
Kingdom: The largest designation for a group in the Society. You are currently in the Kingdom of the East, or East Kingdom, as based off of the U.S. Zip Codes that have been assigned to the area. The East Kingdom services eastern Pennsylvania, eastern New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland.
Shire: A Shire is a group designation within the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. It is not as big as a Barony or Province, both other designations within the SCA.
SCAdian: Term used for a Member of the SCA.
Mundane: Term used to refer to a non-member of the SCA. Mundania refers to places outside of the SCA events, or where the Mundanes live.
Seneschal (Pronounced: Se-neh-shall): The title given to the Local Group President. Original Meaning: An agent or steward in charge of a lord’s estate in feudal times.
Chatelain (Pronounced: Chat-el-laine): or Hospitaler (Pronounced: Hoss-pit-taal-ler), is the newcomer greeter and helper. If held by a woman, the spelling is Chatelaine, and pronounced the same. They also have loaner gear called Gold Key, which includes clothing, known as Garb, and eating utensils, known as Feast Gear, if you need it and it is available.
Garb: Clothing resembling something that they may have worn in the Middle Ages.
Feast Gear: Bowls, Plates, drinking vessels (mugs) and utensils that resemble medieval items that could have been used during the time period.
Period: More commonly referred to as ‘In Period’, refers to the time frame that the Society focuses on recreating the better aspects of. This is a thousand years of history starting near 600 AD and ending near 1600 AD, remaining European-centric in regards to the focus of our interests.
Event: Groups hold activities called Events in which all of the Society are invited to attend. Each event has a theme, and this varies widely depending on what the group wanted to focus on during the time. There can be Dancing, Fighting, Feasting, Arts & Sciences, Gaming, to name a few of the broader ideas, not to forget that each can be broken down to regional interests as well, like an Elizabethan Dance Event would vary widely from an Italian Renaissance Dance Event.
Autocrat: This designation is the ‘host’ or event planner, of the Event you are attending. They are a member of the local group that is also hosting it, and the person to talk to if you are having a problem while attending.
Troll: Check In for the event. Here is where you let them know you are there, and pay for the entrance and feast fees for the day.
Volunteer: This is how you get involved. Every event you attend are hosted, run and attended by volunteers in and for the Society you belong to. Every SCA Member is a Volunteer from the moment they arrive at their first event, even if they do not pay dues. Even your presence at an event adds to the experience, so keep on volunteering!