Minister of Arts & Science’s Page 
The Arts & Sciences Officer coordinates various Arts & Sciences related contests, classes and if it is able to be coordinated with the Seneschal, a monthly potluck theme for activities at the Shire Meetings.
East Kingdom MOAS: This list is for the use and benefit of Ministers of Arts & Sciences for the Kingdom of the East, Society for Creative Anachronism.
East Kingdom Arts & Sciences: This group was founded to discuss Arts and Sciences, as practiced in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism.
EK Customs: This group is for discussion of the customs and traditions of the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism or any of its chapters, guilds, households, or other sub-units. It is not an official organ of the SCA or any of its subsidiary groups and does not delineate SCA policy.
This page is set up to discuss and disperse information concerning the East Kingdom Pennsic Arts and Science Demonstration.
Arts & Sciences Yahoo! Groups of interest
All things Cooking & Food Related
SCA Herbalist: Discussion of historical and modern herbalism in the Society for Creative Anachronism, an historical re-creation and recreation.
SCA-Authentic Cooks: This group was formed to take the participant beyond the beginner stage of medieval and Renaissance cooking.
Compaigniedes Cuisiniers: We are a non- official SCA -East Kingdom group of traveling cooks seeking to spread good cooking and comradery throughout the realm.
An open forum for all those interested in restarting the East Kingdom Cooks Guild.
This is a group for collecting recipes that are Gluten and Casein Free to be used at SCA feasts, and possibly organizing a feast using only such foods, while, at the same time retaining the joy and authenticity that feasts at the Society for Creative Anachronism create.
EK Brewers: Home brewers, mead makers, vinters and cordial makers in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism. A place to discuss period brewing, research and documentation.
Carolingia-Brewers: This is the website for the Brewer’s Guild of the Barony of Carolingia in the Kingdom of the East of the SCA. It is a forum for information about meetings and to share our knowledge of the brewing of beer, winemaking, cidermaking and all aspects of making fermented beverages.
Al-Barran Cooks
Do you like to cook? Do you like to read cookbooks? Do you like to research foods of different countries and time periods? Do you go to feasts and think about how or what you might have done differently with the menu? Do cooking shows fascinate you? Do you like reeeeeeeeeally old cookbooks? Heck, do you like to EAT!?!?! Then you might want to join al-Barran Cooks!
This is a list for those interested in the medieval culinary arts, originating the Barony of al-Barran (Albuquerque, NM) in the Kingdom of the Outlands. The group was started to encourage the investigation and enjoyment of SCA period foods of all cultures, traditional foods and their development past and future, and an interest in good food and good eating in general
Group Activities
+List serve for email contact and conversation
+Website with files to upload research, projects and pictures
+Meet once a month at a local Albuquerque restaurant to discuss topics
in medieval, traditional and/or current food, with posting of
minutes(and menu enjoyed)
+Hold hands on (as desired) experimentation and practice in members’
homes to improve redacting and cooking skills, food safety,
feast planning and kitchen management skills
+Display tasting tables at events
+Support kingdom and barony fundraisers through the culinary arts
+Encourage people to judge/enter cooking competitions, Arts & Sciences
competitions and displays
+Spread the word that period food can be enjoyed by eaters of all
experience levels
What it is not!
This is not a guild, with hierarchy or assignments. This is a crew, a consortium , a group of people who enjoy cooking of all kinds, learning and sharing new ideas.
+This will be a moderated list.
+NO POLITICS(other than medieval and effect on food in the area) PLEASE!!!!!
The group is NOT the de facto feast crew or feast stewards for the Barony.
All Things Garb & Sewing Related
East Kingdom Fiber Guild: The East Kingdom of the SCA has a nascent fiber arts guild. Topics covered are varied and diverse.
This is a discussion group for Medieval and Renaissance Knitting and to discuss forming an East Kingdom Guild for Knitters.
Quintavian and more Spinners:
All things Singing and Performance Related
East Kingdom Renaissance Music: Singers and musicians from the East Kingdom of the SCA. Group located in Elsmere, DE. Fun practice for entertainers, minstrels and the like – or those who want to be!
EK Musical Studies: This group is meant for students and perfomers of medieval and Renaissance music who are located in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA).
EK Bards: A community for the bards of the East Kingdom to discuss bardic issues, trade material, and post schedules for bardic classes.
East Kingdom Soothsayers’ Guild – A place to talk about Medieval fortune-telling.
UNOFFICIAL and UNSUPPORTED (ok—lightly supported)
feed of the sca-dance mailing list.
For buying, selling, or trading of medieval and Renaissance related clothing, costumes, and accessories. For those of you running relevant businesses, try to limit advertisement postings to once a week or less. Feel free to put a link in the Links section, that’s what it’s there for. This is a companion group to the SCA-Garb list that is on Yahoo Groups and the same rules there apply here. Off topic advertisements WILL be deleted without warning – for example, ads for Klingon costuming are right out. (There are other groups on Yahoo for that particular topic.) ALL signature files should be kept to four lines or less.. be nice to the people on digest mode. Note that I am NOT responsible for any trades that fall through – each transaction is between the interested parties. Any other questions, feel free to email me and ask. Thanks! ONE AD PER WEEK PLEASE!! BE FAIR!!
Miscellaneous Interests & Medieval Related Subjects
GoSCAM – This site is for those in the East Kingdom of the Society of Creative Anachronism that are interested in the Medieval arts of Stone Carving, Architecture, and Masonry.
This is is a discussion group for canine activity within the East Kingdom of the SCA.
This is the homepage for Stonebridge Gambol, a group of dancers from the baronies of Smoking Rocks (the “stone” in Stonebridge) and the Barony of the Bridge (the… well you get the idea).
This is the email discussion list for members of the East Kingdom chapter of the Known World Nautical Guild, known also as the Guild of Saint Erasmus, within the Society for Creative Anachronism.
A group for the discussion of Medieval woodworking techniques and for display of pictures, drawings, articles and photos of ideas or resources.
Items that aren’t strictly medieval but fit into the re-creationist context are also welcome.
This group’s members will probably be primarily members of the Society for Creative Anacronism but anyone can ask to join.
This group was started by Baron Conal O’hAirt of the Midrealm
This is not an offical SCA webpage or group.
This list is meant for open discussion about nalbinding, its history (all of it not just SCA period), construction techniques, available resources, classification systems, research, variations, embroidery styles on finished items, etc. It will also be open to discussion about knotless netting (Buttonhole stitch varients) and confusions with knitting. Alternate names, nalebinding, nalbindning, naalbinding, nailbinding, naalebinding, looped needle netting, knotless netting, needle binding, somning, somvant, toothbrush handle rug weaving, vattsaum, patning, etc.
The Curia is a group of members of the Society for Creative Anachronism who wish to reenact the Medieval Church.(Including Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and other In period Christian beliefs.)
Acting as members of the Clergy in a united group we hope to foster a true medieval feel int the SCA.
Priests, Monks, Nuns, Abbesses, etc are welcome. We encourage those who choose life religious in persona to join us. (we are open to all Period Christian Clergy)
(Reenactment group only, mundane beliefs are ones own right and we are not sponsored by the SCA.)
Please Note
Keep all issues to history or medievalisms, please do not post forwarded messages to the group,thank you.
The Webminister