
Collected Tales of the Shire of Coill Tuar

The monthly publication from previous years will be in .pdf form here for archival purposes. Work for this is in progress.

The Collected Tales is our Shire’s Quarterly Newsletter. Articles in the newsletter are written by our very own Shire Members.

Our Newsletter is free publication that is available in electronic format. The newsletter consists of different information with articles and current officer information. Article submissions are accepted at any time.

If you would like to submit an article for this newsletter please contact the Shire Chronicler, if you plan on submitting an article please download the Permisson form and fill out the proper information.

If you have any questions please let the Chronicler know. Below is a list of newsletters that are able to be downloaded for your viewing.

At this time, if you would like to send in submissions for the future publications, please contact one of the shire members listed in the Shire Officers & Rolls listing.